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Embassies, visa, customer relations

Advice: Germans and Austrians get order a visa online at the Visa Centre. Here you find the contact information of the Ugandan embassies in Germany, Austria and Swiss. Moreover you will find these information for the embassies of these Euopean countries in Uganda.

Ugandan embassies and consulates in Europe

  • Germany
    Embassy of Uganda
    Axel-Springer-Str. 54a
    10117 Berlin, Germany
    Phone: +49 (0) 30 - 20 60 990
    Fax: +49 (0) 30 - 24 04 75 57
    Official e-mail:
    Opened: Mo-Fr: 9:00-13:00 , 14:00-16:00; Fr: 9:00-14:00 Uhr - You get your visa for Uganda directly from the embassy in Berlin. Consulates are located in Hamburg, Katzelnbogen (near Mainz) and in Munich.
  • Austria
    Consulate of Uganda
    Forchheimergasse 5
    1230 Wien, Austria
    Phone: +43 (01) 8 63 11 40
    Fax: +43 (01) 8 63 11 43
  • Switzerland
    Embassy of Uganda
    Rue Antoine Carteret 6
    1202 Genf, Schweiz
    Phone: +41 (0) 22 3 39 88 10
    Fax: +41 (0) 22 3 40 70 30

Embassies of Germany, Austria and Swiss in Uganda

  • Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
    15, Philip Road
    Postal address:
    Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
    P.O. Box 7016
    Kampala, Uganda
    Phone: + 256 (0) 414 50 11 11
    Mobile: +256 (0) 772 763 000
    Fax: + 256 (0) 414 50 11 15
    Web: or
  • Embassy of the Republic of Austria
    3, Portal Avenue
    Phone: + 256 (0) 31 23 51 04 / 05
    Fax: + 256 (0) 31 23 51 60
  • Embassy of Switzerland
    1-27, Nasser Lane
    Phone:+ 256 (0) 41 3 47 282/230
    Fax: + 256 (0) 41 34 71 31

Visa: New regulations since 1st of July 2016

Since the first July 2016 Visa Applications can be submitted electronically at: For the application the following documents are required:

  • a copy of the passport
  • Proof of yellow fever vaccination
  • a passport photograph

The visa fee is still $ 100. Applications will be examined by the German Embassy in Berlin and you will receive via email a so-called "Entry Permit", which you need when entering Uganda.

Customs regulations for Uganda

Advice: Border controls are quite strict. Avoid unnecessary trouble when you arrive by declaring everything which exceeds the limit.

Per person you are allowed to carry one camera, one video camera and one laptop. Every item on top of that has to be declared. There are special regulations for journalists and people working in the film buisness. You are also allowed to bring in 200 cigarettes, one litre of alcoholic beverages and 250 ml of perfume.

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