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Books about Uganda

Unfortunately, there are not many books or literature about Uganda available. But it suffices to get an detailed insight into Uganda. Especially the travel guide is recommended as an "appetiser".

Travel guide Uganda

Uganda: The Bradt Travel Guide (2010)

"Philip Briggs: "Uganda"

528 pages
Publisher: Bradt Travel Guides
Edition: 6th (2010)
Language: Englisch
ISBN-13: 978 1 84162 309 2
Price: 14 £, ca 20,- EUR
Web: Find more detailed information at the publisher's website

In short: It's a must to buy it. Not only because of the high quality of this book. But also because there is no other general tour guide for Uganda.

You can find all relevant information for visitors in Uganda. Beginning with practical information and contact information, the whole tourist infrastructure is presented.

More detailed books about Uganda

Once you are in Kampala it is worthwhile to visit a local bookstore. Because here you can get further books and detailed information. And first of all you can obtain very good maps. The books "Kampala A-Z" and "Uganda Districts Information Handbook" are specially recommended.

The Eye Magazine

"The Eye Magazine - The Insider Guide to Uganda"

The Eye Magazine
15, Bandali Rise, Bugolobi
P.O. Box 40361, Nakawa, Kampala/Uganda
Tel.: +256 (0) 414 220 020
Fax: +256 (0) 414 220 031

No stay in Uganda without the "Eye Magazine"! It is issued every other month and you can get it for free in bigger bookstores in Kampala. It is packed with current dates, adresses and contacts.

Because it is so informativ, it is exhausted very quickly. It is as well that you can find all this information on the great website of the "Eye magazine".

Kampala A-Z

"Kampala A to Z: A Complete Guide"

164 pages
Publisher: Tourguide Publications, P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 4th (1963), Re-print 2006
Language: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9970-637-01-0
ISBN-13: 978-9970-637-01-0
Price: 12.000 USh, ca. 5,- EUR

If you want to explore Kampala comprehensively, you can not avoid this book. It comprises mainly of a map section, which guides you through Kampala on three different scales. Very handy: Symbols on the maps are marking important places like hotels, hospitals, attractions, churches, embassies, post offices, theaters ....

For that price: Buy it!

Uganda Districts Information Handbook

"Uganda Districts Information Handbook"

226 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Ltd., P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 2nd (2007)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 978 9970 02 429 2
Price: 20.000 USh, ca. 8,- EUR

What "Kampala A-Z" is for Kampala, this book is for the whole of Uganda. To all districts in Uganda there are information about regional geography and facts regarding social economy and society (languages, economy and industries, education, health). Naturally, the local tourist attractions are mentioned as well.

But that is not all. In addition, there are detailed street maps for every district. Again with symbols to mark important places. Very handy and on a journey by car and more then just "nice to have".

Specrum Guide to Uganda

Camerapix Publishers International: "Spectrum Guide to Uganda"

372 pages
Publisher: Camerapix Publisher International, P.O. Box 45048, 00100 Nairobi, Kenya
Edition: 2nd (2004)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 1-904722-06-7
Price: ca. 50.000 USh, ca. 19 EUR

The "Spectrum Guide to Uganda" is not a book for your travels, rather for your first relaxed evenings on the terrace of your safari lodge. Because Uganda is presented comprehensively on the whole. Subdivided into six parts it deals with:

  • History, geography, people
  • Natural attractions outside the capital
  • Kampala and other big cities
  • Detailed information regarding animals, art, sport, culture .....
  • Economy and business opportunities
  • Travel information in short

Topped off by pages and pages with addresses and contact information.

Rheeder: Uganda at a Glance

Robin Rheeder: "Uganda at a Glance"

159 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Ltd., P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 1st (2002)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9970 02 376 4
Price: ca. 20.000 USh, ca. 8,- EUR

This book as well introduces Uganda as a holiday destination, but the main focus lies on the pictures. Colourful and in large formate you get insight into the landscapes, people and country, cities, animals and plants.

Again there is an address part at the end of the book.

Gakwandi: Uganda - Pocket Facts

Arthur Gakwandi: "Uganda Poket Facts"

125 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Ltd., P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 2nd (1999)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9970 02 145 1
Price: ca. 10.000 USh, ca. 4,- EUR

The "Uganda Pocket Facts" are rather sober regarding the layout and in black and white. The value of the book is the emphasis of the uniqueness of Uganda and the underlying (physio-geographic) reasons.

Subdivided into 11 chapters and with a finishing part with charts and illustrations it deals especially with subjects regarding politics and economy in great detail.


Kibirige: The Hills of Kampala

David Kibirige: "The Hills of Kampala ...and their history"

30 pages
Publisher: Tourguide Publications, P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 1st (2006)
Language: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9970 637 02 9
ISBN-13:978 9970 637 00 2

Originally Kampala was built on seven hills. By now the metropolis is spread over more the twenty.

This little book informs you about the original seven and explains their particularities and the meaning of their names. Also the essential facts about the additional ones are illustrated. Numerous pictures are concluding the book.

Joffroy & Moriset: Kasubi Tombs

Thierry Joffroy & Sebatian Moriset: "Kasubi Tombs"

36 pages
Publisher: CRATerre-ENSAG
Edition: 1st (2006)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 2906901 42 3
Price: 6.000 USh, ca. 2,50 EUR

The Kasubi Tombs are holy gravesites of ugandan kings and recognised by the UNESCO as a world heritage.

This little book tells you everything worth knowing about the Kasubi Tombs.

Insights into Uganda

Kevin O’Connor: "Insights into Uganda"

424 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Limited
Edition: 1st (2008)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9970637398
Price: 30,00 $

The book

This selection of newspaper articles by columnist Kevin O'Connor for the Sunday Monitor, are drawn almost entirely from 2007 to 2015. Divided into thirteen chapters ranging from sex to religion and from inequality to the environment, the 193 articles are always thoughtful, often provocative and sometimes humorous. The text is further enlivened by Moses Balagadde's cartoons. Kevin provides a multitude of insights into Ugandan society, which amply reflect both the title of his column, Roving Eye, and his catchphrase, "For the observer of human behaviour every scene has its interest."

The autohor

Kevin O’Connor was born in London in 1952. He obtained an MA in Economics from Cambridge University and then spent two and a half years as a volunteer (VSO) teacher in a village in Northern Nigeria. This was followed by a 20-year career with the British Council, with his last posting as its Deputy Director in Uganda. Kevin and his wife Sue, a professional photographer, returned independently to Uganda in 1997 and Kevin began his weekly Roving Eye column, initially in the Sunday Vision and then in the Sunday Monitor. The column has become an acclaimed part of the Ugandan media. Kevin and Sue are also accomplished volunteer athletics coaches.

See an interview with Kavin O'Conner on YouTube


"There are over 150 short pieces, some originally featuring in a daily newspaper column, some written specially for the book. They're always presented with a light touch, cheeky, idiosyncratic, and sometimes a bit weird, with lots of surprises. There is much perception here too, often disguised under a cloak of prankster-ish tomfoolery. But then who was it who said ' wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise'?

I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the book and had it by my bed for a while. Some of the pieces supported thoughts I'd had myself, others highlighted other funny little tropes I'd noticed but hardly taken in. I especially enjoyed the places where Kevin has a good rant: articles on why old buildings deserve respect; why people in Uganda drink beer through a straw; the status (or not) of the Kampala parks; the daftness of the Archbishop (on one particular day!); the reading culture in Uganda; the marathon; reflections on the impact of the Premier league on Uganda and its football culture; thoughts on the great Mike Mukula; the great revolving restaurant (closed now I gather); old and young in Kampala (that was an especially good one); Gaddaffi in Uganda (nice to be reminded of the famous battle in Entebbe when the armed bodyguards of the late lamented Colonel and M7 went at it hammer and tongs and there was a photo in the paper to prove it).

So, don't be deterred by the cover. It's a fun book. Enjoy. I bet you Kevin is a good guy to share a story with over a beer. Even if you're not allowed to drink it through a straw.

Ugandan Society Observed

Kevin O’Connor: "Uganda Society Observed "

262 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Limited
Edition: 1st (2008)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9970637134
Price: 24,95 $

The book

The book is a selection of Kevin’s best newspaper articles over the last 13 years. The 262 page book contains 111 articles, divided into 14 subject chapters (Religion; Sex and Love; Language; Sport; Music; Education; Media; Poverty and Inequality; Health; Tobacco; Gender and Sexual Orientation; Bazungu and Aid; The Environment; Pot Pourri). Each chapter contains a cartoon by the Monitor’s Moses Balagadde, together with a striking front cover cartoon.

The autohor

Kevin O’Connor was born in London in 1952. He obtained an MA in Economics from Cambridge University and then spent two and a half years as a volunteer (VSO) teacher in a village in Northern Nigeria. This was followed by a 20-year career with the British Council, with his last posting as its Deputy Director in Uganda. Kevin and his wife Sue, a professional photographer, returned independently to Uganda in 1997 and Kevin began his weekly Roving Eye column, initially in the Sunday Vision and then in the Sunday Monitor. The column has become an acclaimed part of the Ugandan media. Kevin and Sue are also accomplished volunteer athletics coaches.


"Forget the travel guide books about Uganda. If If you want insight into the country's media, music, development assistance, foreigners (whites) and sex-life, this collection of articles from the column "Roving Eye" is more entertaining and just as interesting." Bistandsaktuelt (Norwegian monthly newspaper on Aid and Development)

"Visitors looking for a general read about contemporary Uganda to complement the travel info in the Bradt Guide are pointed to Ugandan Society Observed, a collection of essays written by Kevin O’Connor AKA “The Roving Eye”, the outspoken columnist for The Sunday Vision and more recently The Sunday Monitor." Philip Briggs The Bradt Travel Guide – Uganda (Internet Update)

"Being Ugandan is more than skin deep. After more than a decade of living in Uganda, no matter how blond one's hair is and how pale their skin is, one is bound to take on all the characteristics of a Ugandan through and through. Kevin has produced a book that anyone coming to Uganda for the first time, and wants to bring themselves up to speed, should buy as a matter of importance." Sunday Monitor, Uganda

"Agree or disagree with him, this book is guaranteed to give you plenty of good reflection as well as great entertainment." Fr. Carlos Rodriguez, Leadership Magazine

"Ugandan Society Observed is a classic read. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Congratulations to Kevin." Rachel Magoola (Ugandan Pop Star)

For the really dedicated: Learn Luganda

A real insider tip: Learn a few words of Luganda before your journey. You will evoke great delight and respect from the locals, because you show great interest in Uganda and you have occupied yourself with the country.

Nanfuka: Luganda - English, Phrasebook for Tourists

Margaret Nanfuka: Luganda-English, Phrasebook for Tourists

45 pages
Publisher: Fountain Publishers Ltd., P.O. Box 488, Kampala/Uganda
Edition: 4th (2003)
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 9970 02 063 3
Price: 13.000 USh, ca. 5,- EUR

Osiibye otyano Ssebo? Bulungi Nnyabo! If you want to win great favor from the ugandan people, learn a few nuggets of Luganda.

This little book introduces you to the basics and is geared to the need of tourists.

Chesswas: The Essentials of Luganda

J.D. Chesswas: The Essentials of Luganda

203 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Edition: 4th (1963), Neudruck 2006
Language: Englisch
ISBN: 0 19 312435 1
Price: 15.000 USh, ca. 6,- EUR

With this book you can occupy yourself comprehensively with Luganda. Words and grammar are explained in-depth. Little exercises at the end of each chapter enables you to check on the learning success.

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Uganda Book List

Comment from _Editor @ IN KAMPALA on the Montag, Juli 16, 2012; 14:39:08 h

Here's a few more books about Uganda. Some of them by the well-known Ugandan writers!

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