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Fine art in Uganda

The early artists in Uganda were influenced by the impressions made upon them during colonial times. Often paintings and sculptures were copied. An extraordinary branch of art was developed out of the presentation of the numerous aphorism of the bugandian culture (bikokyo), which were decorated with paintings and illustrations in the twenties. Exhibitions and markets are almost everywhere, which invites you to get aquainted with the art and the artists of Uganda.

School of fine arts, Makerere University

Makerere-Universität in Kampala, Uganda

At the "Margaret Trowell School of Industrial and Fine Arts" of the Makerere University some of the best known ugandan artists have been and still get educated. Only a few minutes from central Kampala, a short stroll to the campus is worthwhile, because a permanent exhibition shows the best work of the students. Statues and sculptures out of wood, clay and metal as well as paintings belong to the repertoire.

The name of the faculty, one of the oldest of the Makerere University, comes from the wife of the governor, who founded the school.

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Nommo Gallery

Bild aus der Nommo-Galerie von Birungi DanielThe Nommo Gallery is a well known meeting place for artists, experts and admirers of ugandan art. Frequently changing exhibitions inviting you to a visit on Nakasero Hill (Victoria Avenue).

Contact: Nommo Gallery Plot 4, Victoria Ave, Nakasero, P.O Box 6643, Kampala, E-Mail:

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Sheraton Hotel

Sheraton-Hotel in Kampala, Uganda The Sheraton Hotel in Uganda allowes Ugandan artists to use their spacious rooms to exhibit their pieces of art. Let the art effects you in finest surroundings. Paintings, battik and sculptures are exhibited, which you can also buy.

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National Theatre and the adjacent Art Market

Das Nationaltheater in Kampala, Uganda In addition to the dance-, theatre- and music performances at weekends you can see exhibition pieces from Ugandan artists in the foyer of the National Theatre.

Just next to theater you can find a small but fine art market, which is arranged as an african round village. An overwhelming variety of objects of art and craftsmanship are waiting for your attention. The open minded, friendly and never importunate artists and traders will advice you willingly and competent.

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Private galleries and traders

Bananaboat Kunsthandel in Kampala, UgandaApart from the puplic exhibitions you can find a wide range of private galleries. One of them is the "Nnyanzi Art Studio" of the artist Nuwa Wamala Nnyanzi in Kampala. During the civil war he was activ for a long time in exile in Kenia. After his return he started to run his own studio apart from being the president of the "Ugandan Artist Federation". His battik paintings depicting traditional themes are well known world wide.

Contact: Nuwa Wamala Nnyanzi, 30 NATIONAL ARTS & CRAFTS VILLAGE (next to The National Theatre), Plot No. 4/6 Dewinton Road, P.O.Box 10580, Kampala/Uganda, E-Mail:, Web:

Related links

  • Website of Nuwa Wamala Nnyanzi
  • You can find further traders of african art on a list at the website "AboutUganda". For example the Banana Boat Gift Shop (23 Cooper Rd, Kisementi-Kamyokya), which, like the others, has a wide range of african craftsmanship on offer and is run by a married german couple.

National Museum

Exponate im Nationalmuseum in Kampala, UgandaThe National Museum harbours an exhausting collection of exhibition pieces which reflects the ethnic-historical and cultural origin of Uganda. Presented are countless exhibits of traditional culture, archeology, history and science. The museum is located to the west of the Kololo Hills on the Kira Road.

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"Crafts Village" and the numerous Street Markets

Kunsthändler im Crafts-Village in Kampala, Uganda

Opposite to the National Theater, in the middle of the centre, is the Crafts Village located, a splendid source of pieces of art of all sorts. Not only can you buy great objects, you can talk to the artists as well.

When you leave Kampala, numerous craftsmen and artists will catch your eye along the road. A stop will be worthwhile in any case.

Comment to Fine art in Uganda

Comment from _denismubiru on the Dienstag, August 30, 2011; 15:59:54 h

Content art in Uganda is very well natured and has alot of new talents that have not been tapped so i cry out to those that are established to try and bring up those that are new in the field. pliz help us so as to develop the called denis mubiru a student at nkumba university...and need your help to develpo my art and get established inorder to live a good life too like you.

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