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Jinja in Uganda: Second economic centre

Monument at the source of the Nile Besides Kampala Jinja is the undisputed number two of all Uganda's cities. At 1,143 m (3,750 ft) altitude, the climate in Jinja due to its location on the shores of Lake Victoria similarly warm and humid as in Entebbe. Today there are around 90.000 inhabitants in Jinja.

It became famous worldwide in the late 19th Century and it was presumed to be the source of the Nile River from Lake Victoria since its discovery by the British missionary John Speke in 1862. This is, however, as we know today, in the Virunga mountains of the East African Rift Valley in Burundi and Rwanda.

The name was derived from the Luganda word "ejjinja" which means "stone". The first settlement was located on a ditto. Favorable climate, fertile soils and fish rich waters were and are still the reasons for Jinjas great economic importance.

The city’s official founding dates to the year 1900, when the construction of a telegraph cable on the Nile the town was at the same time founded. The introduction of steamers and ferries on Lake Victoria up to the Kenyan port Kisumu, Jinja soon formed one of the global trade routes. Since Kisumi was connected with Mombasa on the Indian Ocean by the railway. The location was in addition to the advantage of favorable nature another basis for Jinjas rise to a trade and economic center. Of most importance until today are agricultural goods (sugar, cotton, wood) and the iron industry which are located here.

But Jinja is also an attractive sightseeing destination for tourists. On a trip to Jinja it is worth visiting the source of the River Nile. As the River Nile begins its long journey to the north right here it is a beautiful scenery ambience.

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Some sights in Jinja

Rafting on the Nile river in UgandaBoating

Whether rafting, canoe or normal boat: Lake Victoria and River Nile offer some possibilities. You can rent a boat, explore the shores or even travel by boat to the Samuka Island.

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Bujagali-Falls in Jinja, UgandaBujagali Falls

These rapids are located a few kilometers downstream, which is not only an awesome scenery, but also for white-water fans a real joy. Images of the Bujagali Falls

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Mabira forset between Kampala and Jinja, UgandaMabira Forest

About 20 km in the direction of Kampalais the 30,000 hectare Mabira forest. It serves as a reserve to protect the natural rainforest rare animal and plant species. In May 2007 it escaped the deforestation plans narrowly, but ultimately.

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The Nile brewery in Jinja, UgandaNile Brewery

The brewery opens its gates to visitors during business hours. Prior registration is advised.

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Owen Falls Dam

Electricity generation is by hydro power: As a result of the construction of the dam in 1952 the upstream rapids of the Rippon Falls and Owen Falls sank in the River Nile sunk and are no longer visible today. An impressive structure.

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The source of the Nile at Victoria Lake in Jinja, UgandaSource of the Nile Garden

With a big monument for John Speke which shouldn’t be missed. One of the most beautiful places on earth with a view over the Source of the Nile.

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House in the centre of Jinja, UgandaCity Walk

Significantly larger than Entebbe with golf club, yacht club, harbor and some nice restaurants. Take a map in hand and explore Jinjas center on foot.

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