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Game reserves in Uganda: More nature

Besides those 11,000 square kilometers of national parks, there are an additional 13,000 sq km of protected wildlife reserves, mainly in the west, southwest and northeast.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Rhinos in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary in UgandaThe Ziwa Rhino Reserve deserves a special mentioning. Within this big project, which is mainly financed by the European Union, the extincted rhinos are introduced to Uganda again. The reserve is located some hours by car from Kampala, along the road leading to Murchison-Falls-National-park, in direction to Gulu.

For phase one in 2001, the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre in Entebbe received two white rhinos. After the "import" of some other rhinos a group starting with five rhinos lived in an highly protected and fenced area of 70 Up to know there are two baby rhinos, the last one born on 9th October 2009. When the population is big enough they will live in Murchison-Falls and Kidepo national park.

Donate for this project

A big stuff has to work within this project since the rhinos are observed and protcted permanently. Visit the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary and donate the project with your fee. As a counterperformance you will see the first rhinos back in Uganda. At the entrance you pick up a ranger, and after a short drive and a short walk you reach the animals.

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